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    Ruzgar344 - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    Canonturk Üyesi

    Alp Rüzgar
    Canon 5D Mark iii
    Üyelik tarihi

    Thumbs up Roland UA-55 Quad-Capture Profesyonel Ses Kartı

    Mac ve Pc uyumlu profesyonel Roland UA-55 Quad Capture ses kartını 7-8 ay kadar önce aldım.
    Toplamda 5-6 defa kullandım. Logic Studio Pro'da almıştım Mac için. Profesyonel olmadığımdan ötürü, kullanamamaktayım.
    Faturası, kutusu ve CD'leri ile birlikte ses kartı tertemizdir. Üzerinde toz bile yok desem yeridir. Zuhal müzik'ten alındı.
    %100 PC ve Mac Mountain Lion uyumludur. Roland'ın sitesinde de full desteği var.

    Sıfırı 360 US$ 'dir. Sıfırdan farkı olmamasına rağmen, 2. el muamelesi görür tabikide.
    İstediğim fiyat: 450TL - Fiyat gayet uygundur. Nakit olarak elden teslim edilir. Yanlızca çok temiz Canon 50mm f1.4 USM ile takas olunur.

    Pro Performance for Portable Production
    With a pair of premium VS Preamps onboard, plus superb 24-bit/192 kHz audio quality, ultra-low latency performance, and convenient USB bus power, QUAD-CAPTURE sets a new standard for portable USB 2.0 audio interfaces. Its compact, durable design and pristine sound makes it the perfect foundation for portable, multichannel computer-based productions on the go. With quality and performance that far exceeds its size and price, QUAD-CAPTURE stands at the head of its class.
    Two combo XLR/TRS inputs with premium mic preamps (VS Preamps), two TRS outputs, coaxial I/O, headphone out, and MIDI I/O
    Graphical Control Panel software provides fast, intuitive control of the VS Preamps
    Phantom power, ground lift, and Hi-Z switches
    One-click AUTO-SENS function intelligently sets optimal input levels for the preamps
    Extreme low-latency VS Streaming driver
    Low-noise, wide-range power supply
    Compact with durable aluminum body and Direct Box functionality
    Bundled with Cakewalk SONAR X1 LE
    Number of Audio Record/Playback Channels
    Sampling Frequency = 96 kHz, 48 kHz, 44.1 kHz
    Recording: 4 channels
    Playback: 4 channels
    Sampling Frequency = 192 kHz
    Recording: 2 channels
    Playback: 2 channels
    Signal Processing
    PC interface
    24 bits
    AD/DA Conversion
    24 bits
    40 bits
    Sampling Frequency
    AD/DA Conversion
    192 kHz, 96 kHz, 48 kHz, 44.1 kHz
    96 kHz, 48 kHz, 44.1 kHz
    Nominal Input Level
    Input jacks 1, 2 (XLR type)
    -60 to -6 dBu
    Input jacks 1, 2 (1/4-inch TRS phone type)
    -50 to +4 dBu
    Nominal Output Level
    OUTPUT 1, 2
    +0 dBu (balanced)
    14 dB
    Input Impedance
    Input jacks 1, 2 (XLR type)
    4.8 k ohms (balanced)
    Input jacks 1, 2 (1/4-inch TRS phone type)
    15 k ohms (balanced)
    Output Impedance
    OUTPUT 1, 2
    2 k ohms (balanced)
    47 ohms
    Frequency Response
    192.0 kHz
    20 Hz to 90 kHz (+0/-8 dB), 20 Hz to 60 kHz (+0/-2 dB)
    96.0 kHz
    20 Hz to 40 kHz (+0/-2 dB)
    48.0 kHz
    20 Hz to 22 kHz (+0/-2 dB)
    44.1 kHz
    20 Hz to 20 kHz (+0/-2 dB)
    Residual Noise Level
    INPUT 1, 2 to OUTPUT 1, 2
    -95 dBu typ. (GAIN: min., 600 ohms terminated, IHF-A)
    * Internal Direct Monitor Mixer setting
    * Input channel fader: Unity
    Dynamic Range
    AD block
    INPUT 1, 2: 104 dB typ. (GAIN: min.)
    DA block
    OUTPUT 1, 2: 109 dB typ.
    Input jacks 1, 2 (XLR type / 1/4-inch TRS phone type)
    XLR type ... balanced (phantom power: DC 48V, 6mA Max per channel)
    1/4-inch TRS phone type ... balanced (INPUT 1 supports high impedance)
    COAXIAL IN connector
    COAXIAL OUT connector
    Headphone jack (Stereo 1/4-inch phone type)
    OUTPUT jacks 1, 2 (1/4-inch TRS phone type (balanced))
    MIDI connectors (In, Out)
    USB connector
    Hi-Speed USB
    Digital input/output: Coaxial type (Conforms to IEC60958 consumer format)
    MIDI input/output
    Power Supply
    USB Bus Power
    Current Draw
    480 mA
    Owner's Manual, Cakewalk SONAR LE DVD-ROM (for Windows), Driver CD-ROM, USB cable
    Size and Weight
    185 mm
    7-5/16 inches
    134 mm
    5-5/16 inches
    44 mm
    1-3/4 inches
    570 g1 lbs. 5 oz.

    Konu Ruzgar344 tarafından (01.January.2013 Saat 20:05 ) değiştirilmiştir.
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