
Kart sadece 1 kez kullanildi, kapasite olarak 64 GB'ye gecmek istedigim icin satiyorum.
Orjinal kutusunda ve yaninda da orjinal USB 3.0 kart okuyucusuyla birlikte satilacaktir.
Fiyat 200 TL'dir.

Fotograf urunun kendisine aittir.

Teknik veriler su sekildedir:

- High-speed performance—leverages UHS-II technology (U3) for a read transfer speed up to 2000x (300MB/s)

- Includes SD UHS-II reader for high-speed file transfer from card to computer, dramatically accelerating workflow

- Captures high-quality images and stunning 1080p full-HD, 3D, and 4K video with a DSLR camera, HD camcorder, or 3D camera

- Includes downloadable Image Rescue® software to recover most photo and select video files

- Backwards compatible with UHS-I devices