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Konu: Canon Dslrlerde Spot Pozlama...

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    Standart Canon Dslrler de Spot Pozlama...

    Arkadaşlar az önce bir forumda okuduğum bir bilgiyi sizinle paylaşayım.

    Canon dslr de AF yi Spot a aldığımızda pozlama ölçümünü (7D ve 1D serisi dışında) pozlamayı sadece merkezden yaptığını öğrendim. Yani Canon dslr ler bu iki makina dışında seçilen AF noktasından pozlama ölçümü yapamıyormuş. Ben daha önce 30D, 40D ve 50D kullanmıştım ama böyle bir şeyi farketmemiştim. Şimdi 7D de denedim, seçilen AF noktasından (evaluative modda) pozlama ölçümü yapabiliyor.

    Peki yani MarkIII te bu durum nasıldır. Yeni MarkIII seçilen AF noktasından pozlama ölçümü yapabiliyormu ?

    Sizlerden bu konu hakkında bilgisi olanlar varsa, paylaşırlarsa sevinirim.

    Okuduğum forumdan 7D ve 1D serisinin bu ölçümlemeyi nasıl yaptığı ile ilgili yazılmış açıklama.


    IFCL Metering with 63 zone dual-layer metering sensor: utilizes AF and color information for optimizing exposure and image quality. The Canon EOS 7D features a new, 63 zone dual-layer sensor designed to complement the 19-point AF system. By taking into account the color and luminosity surrounding chosen AF points, this new system delivers an entirely new level of accuracy for better results even in difficult lighting situations.

    Canon EOS 7D SLR iFCL metering with 63 zone dual layer metering sensor

    Since the Canon EOS 7D metering sensor has a color measurement function, exposure errrors and focus errrors caused by different light sources are minimized; the EOS 7D gives stable exposure from shot to shot in situations where light changes, such as in a theater or concert hall.

    This makes the EOS 7D ideal for scenes with extreme difference in brightness such as brightly lit scenes or backlit scenes; the camera balances exposure of the main subject at the background, and exposures are not overly influenced by bright areas in the shot.

    All-New Exposure System Not content with coming up with an entirely new AF system for the 7D, Canon also developed an entirely new exposure system, including a new autoexposure sensor that incorporates color information for the first time in a Canon SLR. Canon has branded their new AE system IFCL, which stands for Intelligent Focus Color Luminosity metering, interesting because it incorporates both color and focus in a way we haven't seen previously. (Or at least in a way that hasn't previously been marketed.)

    Color-Sensitive AE Sensor Hearing it described by Canon staff, the new AE sensor sounds like it's borrowed a page from Foveon, the erstwhile image sensor company renowned for its imaging chips that stacked red, green, and blue photodiodes on top of one another at each pixel position. Canon's new AE sensor doesn't go quite that far, but does have two separate planes, one each sensitive to Blue/Green and Green/Red light. That's enough color information to help with exposure accuracy for subjects at either end of the color spectrum.

    Because silicon light sensors are significantly more sensitive to longer-wavelength light, unless an exposure sensor's response is substantially tweaked via a filter system of some sort (which naturally decreases sensitivity), it will tend to underexpose red-colored objects or scenes, and overexpose ones dominated by blue or green hues. Thanks to its new color-sensitive exposure sensor, the Canon 7D should be able to markedly improve exposure accuracy in situations where the subject is dominated by colors at one end or the other of the color spectrum.

    The Canon 7D's new AE sensor divides the frame into 63 separate zones, the data from which can be evaluated in a variety of ways, depending on the AE mode you're operating in. AE and AF zones are aligned, allowing exposure information to be associated with specific AF sensors and the area around them.


    Konu Galaxy tarafından (05.March.2012 Saat 13:11 ) değiştirilmiştir.


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